About a week ago, Kayli and I went to JoAnne's Fabric store, because I need some inspiration for another craft! Hee-hee!
Well, I spotted some letters made out of various materials and that reminded me of some of the 'letter' crafts I've seen on different blogs. So...I bought the letter "E"...for "Ellingson", of course!
I painted both sides of the letter with Americana 'antique gold' craft paint.
It took just 1 coat of paint!
After it dried, I traced the letter onto this scrapbook paper.
This picture doesn't really show the true colors. Then, I went to town with Mod-Podge! After the initial glueing, I added 2 coats to the top. I let it dry completely, before adding this:
2This felt flower is actually two different felt flower designs I put together on a whim! They were just laying on the table beside the couch!
So, here is the finished product:
The new "letter" art for the "Ellingson" home!
The letter cost was $3.96, I think, at JoAnnes. The paint was $1.39, but I hardly used any of it. The scrapbook paper was on sale at JoAnnes for .16! Yes, that's right! So...total cost was approximately $4.25! Not bad for a new decorating touch!
I'll post a picture when I decide exactly where it's going! (I have an idea, but so do my children! We'll have to see how wins! But, not tonight...I'm going to bed...)
Organizing bit-by-bit,