Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kayli's Bedroom (before pictures)

I'm catching up on posting my organizing accomplishments in my home!  That is why there are so many posts tonight!

Here is yet another one!  I am going to show you pictures of Kayli's room AFTER working in the bathroom, and BEFORE we started clearing the CLUTTER!!!  Again, this is NOT her fault, so please don't judge her, poor thing!

This view is from the doorway.  The door on the left is her closet.  Remember, this was NOT her fault! 

In the picture below is most of the junk from the bathroom!

But, after a lot of hard work, here is what it looks like now:

The dresser stores misc. items, like American Girl doll and accessories.
Her hanging clothes are towards the back of the closet on the left.

Kayli neatly hung her scarves, belts and beloved hat on hooks.  They all have their place now!

I discovered that Kayli has more than enough clothes!
We spent a lot of time sorting through them, finding some to share with girls in Sunday School!


You're probably wondering where all the junk is that Kayli has taken out of her room?  Well, it has a temporary home in our Family Room!  Extra emphasis on 'temporary'!

Getting rid of:

I am so proud of Kayli!  It's so hard to declutter things.  She says the show Clean House has really inspired her.  I hope she now has peace in her room so that she can...

These are words above Kayli's bed.

The Bible talks about 'sweet dreams'...much easier when the clutter and chaos is gone!  Awesome job, Kayli!

Organizing bit-by-bit,


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